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NordLayer features in review: Smart Remote Access

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In networking, there is a distinction between Local Area Networks, covering a small geographical area, and Wide Area Networks, which can extend over the globe. Historically, they also performed very different functions. LANs have been designed with speed in mind, while WANs deal with general connectivity, taking performance as an afterthought.

Cloud computing advances can now provide remote access functionalities without concerns about the physical distance between two locations. Virtual LANs allow users to connect over the internet to have the same security that comes with closed-off WANs. Let’s take a deep dive into the cloud LANs and find out about the ways how you make use of this technology.

What is Cloud LAN?

Cloud LAN is a wireless LAN setup that uses a Virtual Private Gateway as an intermediary for all network performance and security functions. Network provisioning, access control, and policy enforcement are managed strictly from the cloud and deployed over the public internet infrastructure.

As it makes use of public infrastructure, this means that its price is lower than other, more advanced solutions like MPLS. Its model can be easily applied to businesses of various kinds and with varying growth expectations. All the benefits associated with cloud computing are applicable here, from streamlined governance to better availability for distributed workforces.

How does Cloud LAN work?

The cloud itself is made up of various computers, servers, and other data storage systems. Users connect to the cloud using configured endpoints and are allowed in only after passing authentication. Once the user is connected to a dedicated server, it’s passed through to a virtually created local area network. This means that any user can easily exchange data with other users connected to the same server. This can be a highly effective way to erase all distance boundaries when sharing data.

What’s the difference between on-premises, WLAN & Cloud LAN?

The main distinguishing features regarding LAN, WLAN, and cloud LAN will deal with the distance and, in some cases, the connectivity method.

LAN networks — cover only a limited area using a narrow range of IP addresses.

WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks) — uses radio waves to connect devices over the internet.

WAN — interconnects two devices over a large geographical area. The internet would be a prime example of the biggest WAN in the world.

Cloud LAN — is a virtual WAN architecture made possible by the cloud, allowing enterprises to leverage any combination of transport services to secure connections to applications.

Depending on the use case, companies may turn to specific implementations of communication types. For instance, the branch office may have a different LAN than the main office, so they can be connected with a VPN. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the enterprise may rely on cloud networks for externalized delivery of applications and services.

Benefits of using Smart Remote Access for your cloud networking needs

The rise of the remote workforce puts a huge strain on legacy networks and security systems. As a result, businesses had to turn to various technological solutions to provide seamless remote access to internal resources and applications. This need inspired the Smart Remote Access feature provided by NordLayer.

Seamless remote access

In this day and age organization’s resources should be freely available at the moment’s notice. Yet, they also should be sufficiently protected from various external threats. Smart Remote Access allows managing user permissions responsibly regardless of where the employee is.

Secure data integrity

The hosted resources are available only after passing through security checks. This security extends to the endpoints like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It takes care of the most critical gap within the business network infrastructure.

Secure application access

Application access is something that hackers target as business dynamics have shifted towards cloud computing. This is something to keep in mind; users need to be protected whenever they are connected to the internet. Secure users mean that the on-premises resources are also kept secure.

Cloud LAN use cases

Here’s how you could use cloud LAN or Smart Remote Access features.

Access disconnected resources

With Smart Remote Access, connecting to devices that don’t have direct local area network connectivity is possible, and external connections are not allowed.

Point-to-point connections

With Smart Remote Access, it’s possible to access or control someone else’s computer. This is handy when some important data is stored at the specific user’s endpoint.

Easy file sharing

Send files directly to the other users without any additional intermediaries. This also helps when accusing various file-sharing platforms like FTP.

NordLayer Smart Remote Access solution

Instead of relying on locally hosted systems that are hard to reach from the outside, NordLayer offers a streamlined approach. Smart Remote Access functionality allows a simple solution that provides a secure gateway into important data.

Feature in review smart remote access scheme

Smart Remote Access is one of the easiest methods for businesses to make their internal resources reachable. This can be applied not only for data access but also for troubleshooting. It helps to address various issues associated with remote and hybrid work.

Using this feature, network admins can directly take control over users’ devices. This allows a much smoother error resolution than it otherwise would be possible.

Head of Product

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