Remote workforce security

GRWI: the USA — gravity center of opportunities, but it comes with a risk

United States of America GRWI overview featured image

The United States of America is a land of endless possibilities nearly everyone wishes to put their foot on. Once remote work policies gave a free pass for knowledge employees to work outside the office, the States became tourists’ and working travelers’ attraction points too.

But how suitable is the US for remote work, or perhaps it’s a destination to avoid? NordLayer’s Global Remote Work Index (GRWI) analyzes prospects for remote work in the USA, so dive in to learn the most exciting and important findings.

Zoom in: the USA ranks TOP 3 on GRWI

United States of America overview table by cybersecurity dimensions

The remote work index lists 66 countries worldwide, including the US, so climbing to the top is yet another Mount Rushmore to carve. Despite the competition, the States showcased high results in most GRWI dimensions. 

With a perfect score in COVID-19 response and handling the overall result has a considerable drawback due to cybersecurity measures in the country. To better understand how the US appeared among the leading countries, let’s zoom in on some of the performance aspects:

COVID-19 response and handling

The recent pandemic was (and remains) a challenge to the world. Various measures and strategies lead to different outcomes. Evaluation of COVID-19 handling results can have multiple angles and perspectives. 

For the GRWI, the indexation measurements consist of vaccination rate and processes of prevention, detection, reporting, and responding capacity.

The vaccination rate in the US ranks only 41st. However, according to the Global Health Security Index, the States position 1st, pulling the country to the leading position in COVID-19 Response and handling GRWI rank.

Key takeaway

Keep in mind that local regulations shift ad hoc and can disrupt the normal life flow in days. Country preparedness to react and handle extreme situations is essential when planning a more extended visit or work-related relocation — the US proved capable of coordinating major challenges.

Socio-economic conditions

Even though the overall score for the economic and social conditions dimension is high (4th), the breakdown of categories might remind of an American rollercoaster. 

It’s no big surprise that English proficiency is as good as it gets (1st), making it easy for most of the international workforce. Due to widespread language, spectacular landscapes, and the variety of experiences the US offers, the country appears to be 2nd on the Tourist attractiveness index.

Despite how controversial it might sound, Universal health coverage (UHC) and Government spending on health and education (%GDP) place the US in the 4th and the 9th positions, respectively.

Interestingly, the highly evaluated data contrasts the Cost of living index, which ranks 45th, and the Safety index ranks 52nd place.

Key takeaway

Visiting the United States of America is an experience of a lifetime. Naturally, it’s an attractive place for many people, worth the expenses. However, the first indications show up regarding safety in the States.

Digital and physical infrastructure

The primary condition for workcation or any remote business operations outside the office is the internet quality and availability. Assessment of such rank includes (e-)infrastructure developments and adoption on a country level for the United States of America, putting on the TOP 10 GRWI list.

An overall score (7th place) looks promising and separate categories remain above the average, yet Internet affordability (23rd) and E-infrastructure(20th) have room for improvement.

The situation is not that poor overviewing Physical infrastructure (14th) and Internet quality (12th). However, the real pull-up for the States is an exemplary E-Government environment, which tops the category in the context of the rest of the countries (1st).

Key takeaway

The internet quality in the US is good, yet the affordability of both mobile and broadband is on the lower side. Information communication technology adoption in organizations is also insufficient, while the government’s online services are at their finest. 


Cybersecurity is the first and last category that plays a crucial role in remote work. Increased potential risks put organization network security at risk, leading to reconsidering traveling to work remotely. The Achille’s heel of the US, in this case, is cybersecurity measures, placing the US 19th on the global ranking.

The Global Security Index compares data on a country’s technical, organizational, and capacity development, which ultimately ranks 1st on GRWI. However, existing legal measures and cybercrime threat response rank 7th and 9th, respectively.

Key takeaway

In the global GRWI context, the US lacks sufficient cybersecurity measures, which is extremely important, knowing that the country also hubs many businesses and organizations. Even though the rank isn’t the worst, to sustain the suitability of remote work destinations, the requirements for cybersecurity should improve in the US.

Zoom out: the USA in light of neighboring countries

United States of America overview table in terms of neighbours

The overall global ranking of the US puts the country in the leading TOP 3 countries worldwide suitable for remote work. Meanwhile, bordering countries Canada and Mexico in total rank take 12th place and 50th place, respectively.

Canada presents similar conditions to what the US has to offer. Economic and social conditions rank 1st out of 66 GRWI analyzed countries, yet the cybersecurity index rank is only 30th — poorer than the US.

Mexico is a complete contrast to the US or Canada. In most of the criteria, it ranks on the lover side of the midpoint. Cybersecurity measures reach 50th place in the GRWI, socioeconomic conditions 51st, digital and physical infrastructure — 60th place, and only extreme situations’ like COVID-19 handling put Mexico relatively high in 28th place.

Key takeaway

If you are planning to go for a workcation to the USA and consider if it’s worth also travel to bordering countries, Canada should provide a similar quality experience and remote work conditions. Mexico may come more like a challenge as a non-English speaking country with more deficient infrastructure and socio-economic conditions.

The USA: land of remote work possibilities

The United States of America is the desired destination for tourists and those who want to break out from the usual office setup. Despite some flaws, the country offers good infrastructure and conditions for remote living and working. Therefore, the US is an excellent destination for relocation and business opportunities.

Ready to explore your remote work paradise?

Whether you're dreaming of a coast-to-coast workcation in the USA or seeking the ideal spot for your remote work adventures, the key to unlocking your perfect destination awaits. 

Discover the best country for working remotely by various criteria tailored to your needs and preferences. Begin your journey to finding the perfect balance between work and life today.

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