Partner program

NordLayer Partner Program: Klavan Security Services on how one partner supports two different partnership models

Klavan Security x NordLayer

A discussion with Andrew Amaro, the Founder and Chief Security Officer at Klavan Security Services, about adapting to client needs, taking different roles, the benefits of the NordLayer Partner Program, and what perspectives are anticipated for different industries.


  • About the company. Through its holistic approach, Klavan Security Services merges physical and cybersecurity to offer comprehensive services across industries.
  • Business case. Klavan Security Services serves a diverse clientele, from startups to the military. They focus on vulnerability identification and mitigation for effective defense, especially for SMBs enhancing digital security.
  • NordLayer adoption. By integrating NordLayer's VPN and secure access tools, Klavan Security Services strengthens its commitment to providing a unified defense strategy against cyber threats.
  • Benefits of NordLayer Partner Program. The partnership enhances Klavan's security offerings, streamlines client onboarding, and supports complex compliance needs with NordLayer's easy administration and insightful dashboard.
  • Future industry projections. Andrew Amaro highlights the criticality of addressing social engineering, human vulnerabilities, and supply chain risks with a strong security culture and layered strategies in the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

About the company

Klavan Security Services, nestled in the vibrant city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is a beacon of innovation in the security industry. It’s a boutique firm that distinguishes itself by addressing physical and cyber security challenges, offering a full spectrum of protective services. 

Klavan Security Services tailors its services to address the most pressing risks first, laying a robust foundation for a scalable security infrastructure from card access systems to ransomware protection. It works with every possible industry, focusing on challenge type rather than a customer profile.

Andrew Amaro, a Chief Security Officer and the Founder of Klavan Security Services, embodies a holistic perspective on safety. He talks about how he navigates the stormy waters of cybersecurity and how NordLayer helps find the right direction.

The business case: addressing diverse client needs via flexibility and holistic approach

With a clientele ranging from startups to military organizations, Klavan Security Services demonstrates versatility. The company’s agility allows it to serve various industries. Its focus is primarily on small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) seeking to enhance their digital hygiene or shield themselves against sophisticated threats. 

Suppose a threat or a risk is coming towards a person, organization, or facility. In that case, you need to look at which gaps a malicious actor will take advantage of to get in, which could be from any angle depending on their motivation.

Klavan Security Services identifies and mitigates vulnerabilities using an attacker's perspective, ensuring a fortified defense against potential breaches.

According to Andrew Amaro, when it comes to security, you have to look at it from start to finish in a holistic fashion. You can't examine the physical and cyber subjects separately. You have to view it together. 

It doesn’t matter what a company does but what category of threats it faces based on how an organization operates.

When assessing the risks, the Klavan Security Services approach follows a deduction model. First, they define the approach of needed support. Then, by identifying the type of company, how it functions, and what it does, the company can follow up on the common risks and vulnerabilities in that regard.

Different circumstances, the same ultimate goal to secure a business with a helping hand

Various industries, work models, and processed data indicate diverse security strategies and targets when protecting a business. Not only client security needs but a type of needed support urges for flexibility and trust-based partnership to adapt to particular client scenarios:

Reseller and MSP strategies for assessing and adapting to client needs

An organization that wants to be a bit more digitally hygienic and a facility that is protecting itself from state-sponsored attackers require different applications of security solutions. On the other hand, some organizations need support in the procurement processes of a selected solution.

Depending on the risks and threats, Klavan Security Services takes an attacker's perspective of the highest risk and provides a solution, says Andrew Amaro.

How to identify risks

Bringing together all aspects of the security industry, Klavan Security Services stands out from most security service providers by employing a unique approach to solving a problem with a one-dimensional solution.

Seeing in-depth and handling challenges by layers helps Klavan Security Services identify and tackle the full scope of risks. Implementing bad actor perception and tools of wide spectrum capabilities enables a successful collaboration that brings desired results.

Close-up on the solution

Klavan Security's collaboration with NordLayer is a testament to its comprehensive security model. 

NordLayer's solution is a piece of the puzzle providing a much-needed shield. If I want to provide a complete security solution for an organization that includes a VPN, secure access and encryption becomes part of the build of their Batman tool belt to protect them.

NordLayer's suite of services, including VPNs and secure access solutions, integrates seamlessly into Klavan Security Services’s offerings, enhancing its clients' security postures. 

Opposite client profiles, one solution

Klavan Security Services has two clients that use NordLayer for different reasons. One is a governmental institution that needs to secure its connections and data. The other one is a startup that needs to achieve SOC2 compliance requirements.

Securing government or startup with NordLayer

Klavan Security Services looks at challenges methodically. Traditional ransomware gangs and different types of malicious actors will probably target organizations on the web. If a company has to deal with sensitive information or government contracts, they’re opening new doors to different types of risks. 

Solutions for handling such threats must adapt to fluctuating risks. It’s important to acknowledge that risks are multi-dimensional. They depend on a company type and cybersecurity landscape changes thus, the tools must be available to adapt quickly.

Through cases like a governmental institution and a Canadian startup, Klavan Security Services showcases the flexibility and effectiveness of NordLayer's tools in supporting diverse operational needs and compliance goals.

Why join the NordLayer Partner Program?

The NordLayer and Klavan Security partnership isn’t a typical partner story. First, NordLayer started collaborating with Klavan as an MSP for its current client. After some time, Klavan Security Services took a reseller role since NordLayer sought a locally managed security service provider (MSSP) to support our client-to-be in a procurement process.

NordLayer benefits for partners

NordLayer team constantly looks for solutions that fit their client's best interests, from cybersecurity solutions to procurement processes. In this case, a governmental institution needed a partner who could be trusted in the process and provide support. Thus, NordLayer contacted Klavan to introduce them as a fitting middleman for the situation.

The partnership with NordLayer opened a new opportunity and a gateway to advanced security solutions that complement Klavan Security’s holistic approach. 

NordLayer dashboard provides a proper way of controlling and seeing who comes in and out of the network. History information helps if credentials get stolen or misused by providing insights from the start of an attack.

The ease of administration, the diversity of network options, and the detailed usage insights NordLayer provides empower Klavan Security to deliver top-tier security solutions. 

Besides the technicalities, the partnership with NordLayer led Klavan Security Services to acquire a new client. In instances when clients cannot proceed with direct tenders themselves due to regulations and approved processes, the collaboration between a service provider and a partner becomes a merging point.

Acting not only as an MSP but also as a reseller, Klavan Security Services filled the gap between a client and a service provider. It’s typical for governmental institutions to follow complex and prolonged processes, and collaborations like Klavan Security and NordLayer simplify such procedures by eliminating bureaucratic obstacles. 

Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your journey with NordLayer, building trust and resilience in a dynamic cybersecurity landscape.

Future projections: an in-depth look into a multitude of cybersecurity threats

From the subtle art of social engineering to the intricate web of supply chain dependencies, Andrew Amaro offers a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward fortifying defenses and ensuring a safer future for businesses in an increasingly interconnected world:

Cybersecurity industry future trends by Klavan Security Services

Senior Copywriter

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