Global Remote Work Index 2023
Discover the best scoring countries to accommodate remote employees
Global rank
This map is based on data available at Natural Earth. Data is in public domain.
The data for the GRWI was analyzed in the first half of 2023.
What is it?
What is the Global Remote Work Index?
The Global Remote Work Index evaluates the potential of 108 countries to qualify as top remote work destinations. This index measures four main dimensions: cybersecurity, economics, infrastructure, and, since this year, a new addition—social safety criteria—to ensure the quality of remote work.

Cyber safety
Cyber safety pertains to a diverse array of factors that comprise a safe and secure digital environment required for remote work. This dimension covers infrastructure integrity, digital threat response capacity, and the level of cybersecurity-target legislation.
Economic safety
The concept of economic safety entails the various economic aspects of living and working in a particular country. It refers to the cost of living, healthcare access, ease of communication, and opportunities for quality free time.
Digital & physical infrastructure
The dimension of digital & physical infrastructure refers to the country’s digital capabilities to provide and support a stable, fast, and broad internet service and ensure convenient and safe physical infrastructure for traveling around.
Social safety
Social safety incorporates social and physical security aspects of working and living remotely. It combines the components of overall safety from crimes within a country with metrics evaluating equity and access to human rights.
Which countries score the highest?
Global rank
GRWI score
Global rank
GRWI score
Global rank
GRWI score
Global rank
GRWI score
Global rank
GRWI score

Compare the best countries to work remotely
For some, it’s all about the cultural experience. For others, it’s about cybersecurity, social life, infrastructure, or high-speed internet. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer—by using our intuitive tools, compare 108 countries and choose the best remote work location based on your needs.
Our insights
What can we learn from the data?
Europe’s northern regions lead in the top 10 GRWI 2023 rankings, with Germany, Spain, and Portugal in the 3rd, 4th, and 6th spots. Furthermore, most of the top half consists of European nations, except for Montenegro (74th) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (83rd).
The top-ranked countries in the overall GRWI tend to be more expensive to live in. Yet, Portugal has the smallest distance between these dimensions, ranking 6th overall and 56th in cost of living, offering the best value-for-money opportunity among the top 10 overall.
The correlation between cyber safety and social safety dimensions, as unveiled by the GRWI ranking, unequivocally establishes them as the paramount predictors of an exceptional remote work experience.
Morocco leads African countries at 48th overall, particularly standing out in terms of cyber safety and affordable living expenses. Despite lagging in digital and physical infrastructure, its appeal to tourists and low cost of living makes it an attractive option.
Find your perfect remote work destination
How are the numbers calculated?
After analyzing many scientifically sound studies, our data scientists formed comparable country scores. They took each element into account and calculated a final index that appeared as a score anywhere from 0.000 up to 1.000.
You can check the entire process and data sources to have a deeper look into the methodology.
The index is composed of four elements
Cyber safety
Economic safety
Digital & physical infrastructure
Social safety

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